The return of the products can be done in the following cases:

You have received another product / other products: If a product other than the one ordered has been delivered to you, please let us know as soon as possible about this, so that the product can be returned and replaced with the one ordered. Transportation costs (round trip) will be borne by BALI WELLNESS s.r.l.

Delivered goods show visible damage: If the received goods show visible damage, you have the right to refuse receipt; in this case, please notify us immediately in order to proceed to send another product (same type as the one ordered), in which case the delivery time will be extended with the time necessary to process an order. Complaints are considered within the first 72 hours of receipt of the package. After this term, any claim is not taken into account, being limited to Law no. 449/2003.

Unilateral termination of the contract: According to Ordinance no. 130/2000 on the legal regime of distance contracts (including subsequent amendments):

The consumer has the right to notify the trader in writing that he renounces the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 14 calendar days from receiving the product.

According to the Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 on consumer rights in distance contracts:

The consumer has the right to withdraw from this contract, without having to justify the withdrawal decision and without incurring other costs than those provided in art. 13 paragraph (3) and art. 14 of GEO No. 34/2014, within 14 days from the day it takes physical possession of the product. Return costs are borne by the consumer.

The returned product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered, if possible in the original packaging, with all the accessories, with the labels intact and the documents that accompanied it). Products that show physical changes, blows, shards, scratches, shocks, traces of excessive use and / or unauthorized interventions, etc. are not accepted for return.


Contracts that have as object the supply of product categories listed by art. 16 of GO 34/2014 cannot be denounced.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

The consumer informs the supplier about the decision to withdraw from the contract by filling in the return form.

Within 48 working hours from the transmission of the notification, the buyer will receive by e-mail a registration number and details regarding the submitted request.

Special costs and fees for giving up the purchase

Costs borne by the buyer:

Return and courier costs for the product in which case the buyer waives the purchase of the product within 14 days of receipt of the product. (art. 14, point 2)

If the product is returned in a condition in which it can no longer be sold as new, a fee will be charged for returning it to its original condition (if possible) or to cover the price difference resulting from the sale of the product as second-hand or , at the customer’s option, we will resend the product, at his expense. (art. 14 point 3);

Costs borne by the seller:

Product that does not comply with the main specifications of the seller’s offer.

Non-functional product in the first 48 hours after receipt or packages that show damage to the reception.

Note (if the malfunction is reported within the first 48 hours of receipt)

Reimbursement of amounts

Reimbursement of amounts will be made within 14 days from the date on which he is informed of the decision to withdraw from the contract of the consumer, sent by the seller (art. 13, points 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Requests for return will be resolved within 14 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents to our headquarters or office and must include the following documents: The request for unilateral termination of the contract, with the complete details of the person making the termination, signed and dated, data about the returned product and the reason for the return; the original invoice, the original guarantee certificate (where applicable) and a copy of the identity card of the person appearing on the invoice as the beneficiary.

Possible ambiguities and complaints

If you have any questions or even dissatisfaction regarding a product purchased from, please send an email to this address to in which you should mention as many details as possible based on which we can process your message. It is very important to specify your full and correct name, the date you placed the order, the category in which the requested products are registered, the date and method of delivery, as well as, ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY, the order number, which you find in the confirmation message received from BALI TEMPLE srl after validating your order. All this information will facilitate the communication between you and BALI WELLNESS s.r.l., reason for which please check carefully their integral and correct insertion in your message.
